Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Coping with the Unseen

In the wake of the tsunami and the continuing problems with the disabled reactors there are lingering questions about the radiation.  Many are skeptical of the governments statements.  A group has stepped up and given the population an effective means of gauging how much radiation they have been exposed to over time. is building radiation detectors and dispersing them to individuals and groups around the Fukishima power plant.  From the website: (formerly is a website whose purpose is to provide an aggregate feed of nuclear radiation data from governmental, non-governmental and citizen-scientist sources. That data will be made available to everyone, including scientists and nuclear experts who can provide context for lay people. In the weeks following launch, it has become evident that there is a need for additional radiation reporting from the ground in Japan. This Kickstarter project will help us purchase up to 600 Geiger Counter devices that will be deployed to Japan. (The project minimum will fund about 100 devices). The data captured from these devices will feed into our website and will also be made available for others to use via Pachube, an open-source platform for monitoring sensor data globally. Our field members will be trained by ouradvisors to properly use these devices. The field members will be required to report to the website 8-10 times per day.

you can view the data here:
You can donate to the project here

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