Friday, August 12, 2011

Romney :"Corporations are people, my friend" he means HIS people, the top 1%

Sign the petition telling Romney corporations are NOT people
 There are 5 radical conservative republican judges on the Supreme Court that agree with Romney that corporations are people. The vast majority of common sense Americans believe otherwise.   These 5 judges have such disdain for the general population that they picked the president of the US instead of counting the votes of the American people.  Perhaps Romney is hoping for another judicial appointment to the US presidency.  
Not only does Romney believe corporations are people, he thinks that all of the corporations money returns to the people.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  The vast wealth of corporations is distributed mainly to the top 1% of the population.  When it is distributed.  Right now according to Eric Cantor there are trillions of US dollars being stored overseas by multinational corporations. [1.]  Mr. Romney how are dollars being stored overseas getting to the people?  Does he consider million and billion dollar bonuses being paid to a few select CEO's returning money to the people? Look at the chart below and show me where the dollars from corporations are being returned to the general population? 
Chart from Congressional Budget Office
Almost all of societies overall gains for the last 30 years have gone to the top 1%.  So when Romney says the money from corporations returns to the people, he means his people, the top 1%.  It's unanimous, in 23 of the latest polls a clear majority 65% versus 30% want higher taxes on the wealthy.  How many republicans in congress agree with the majority of Americans and want to tax the wealthy?  ZERO republicans are in favor of higher taxes on the wealthy.  Our elected officials are largely bought by the corporations and the wealthy however, in the case of republicans they are 100% pawns of corporations and the wealthy.  When will Americans wake up and realize that republicans don't care about the poor or the middle class?  What was the republican solution to "pre-existing conditions" that devastated so many individuals and families?  Their solution was to fight for the health insurance industry instead of the average American, they are still trying to repeal that singular gain for the middle class.  What was the republican solution to an unregulated Wall Street that almost caused a second depression?  Their solution: fight new regulations on Wall Street.   What is the republican solution to millions of unemployed Americans?  They have controlled the house for 8 months and have introduced ZERO jobs bills.  What is the republican solution to corporations paying no taxes at all?  This year every single republican voted to keep tax subsidies for the most profitable companies in history-oil companies.  What is the republican solution to the debt problem, caused by their 2 unpaid for wars and the Bush tax cuts for the rich?  Eliminate medicare and replace it with a voucher system, cut social security, cut nutrition programs, and education cuts, all born by the poor and middle class.   But make the top 1% pay their fair share?  Republicans work for the top 1% exclusively, the other 99% are fodder for the money grinder run by the republicans and the wealthy.  
DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said: " Mitt Romney and his fellow Republican candidates should spend a little less time fighting to protect the special interests, millionaires, and billionaires, and a lot more time standing up for the middle class, seniors, and students."  Someone please tell me when the republicans in the last 10 years have stood up even once for seniors, students or the middle class?  Romney and the republicans are only "your friend" if your in the top 1%. 
DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz full comment:
Mitt Romney’s comment today that ‘corporations are people’ is one more indication that Romney and the Republicans on the campaign trail and in Washington have misplaced priorities. It is a shocking admission from a candidate—and a party—that shamelessly puts forward policies to help large corporations and the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class, seniors, and students. When they should be standing up for seniors, Republicans are instead protecting corporate loopholes and proposing to end Medicare as we know it. When they should be trying to help middle class families prosper, they are instead supporting policies that would slash Social Security.
Mitt Romney and his fellow Republican candidates should spend a little less time fighting to protect the special interests, millionaires, and billionaires, and a lot more time standing up for the middle class, seniors, and students.
[1.] From the majority leader's blog, Eric Cantor :
we must do everything we can to be more competitive in the global marketplace, including comprehensive tax reform and – in the meantime – taking immediate steps to spur investment and growth, such as allowing U.S. multinational companies to invest in our economy by repatriating the trillions of dollars that are being stored overseas
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