Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dylan Ratigan Explains Platinum Citizenship

Platinum Citizenship
I want to talk about what Geithner *did*, structurally to bring about this situation. We’re all aware of the two tiered political system in which protesters can be run over by police scooters but marauders in suits are put on the President’s jobs council to chuckle nervously at Occupy Wall Street. But behind the political inequality lies a new order of credit allocation. Tim Geithner created a two-tiered monetary system, a kind of money they have which you can’t get. He wasn’t alone in doing this. Financial institutions spent hundreds of millions of dollars influencing federal officials to coalesce a bailout while politicians treated them as a special class of super Americans. But he more than anyone else in the crisis period was the central figure in the creation of our current aristocratic monetary order.
 Dylan writes a great piece clearly explaining why the banks are doing great now and the rest of us are scraping by.  He also shows how Tim Geithner is instrumental in the maintenance of the current 1%, 99% dichotomy.  Read the full piece here:
Platinum Citizenship 

Visit the US Department of the Treasury, where you can download a HIGH RESOLUTION  photo of the Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. 
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