Tuesday, January 10, 2012

John H. Sununu Selling: "Crocks of Crap"

English: Governor Mitt Romney of MAImage via Wikipedia

6 Republican candidates and everyone of them doubling down on the failed policies of George WMD Bush.
After almost a decade of plainly failed trickle down economics and don't tax the "job creators" our social safety net is crumbling, our infrastructure is cracking and 25 million un or under employed Americans are hurting, you'd think the GOP would have a new plan.  You'd be thinking wrong.  The GOP solution to every American domestic problem is cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy.  "Don't tax the job creators" has been Speaker Boehner's almost constant refrain for the last 2 years.  Although, the GOP ran on a jobs platform, they have created zero jobs and zero job's bills while those "job creators" are hoarding almost 2 trillion in cash.
Particularly egregious is Willard Romney's plan which cuts taxes for millionaires while raising taxes on low income citizens.  Romney surrogate John Sununu was asked about Romney's proposed tax plan on MSNBC tonight.  John H. Sununu called the analysis by the Tax Policy Center "a crock of crap".  Who to believe?
The analysis by the Citzens for Tax Justice and the Tax Policy Center or the chief of staff who spent 815,000 tax payer dollars on military jet flights to attend GOP fundraisers or go skiing? 
This report from Citizens for Tax Justice explains the GOP presidential candidates pre-failed proposed US budgets. 

from Citizens for Tax Justice:
Read the report.

Here are more details:

■ Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s $18.1 trillion tax plan would give the richest one percent of Americans an average tax cut of $391,330, which would be over 190 times as large as the average tax cut of $1,990 that the middle fifth of Americans would receive.

■ Texas Governor Rick Perry’s $10.5 trillion tax plan would give the richest one percent of Americans an average tax cut of $272,730, which would be over 270 times as large as the average tax cut of $1,000 that the middle fifth of Americans would receive.

■ Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s $6.6 trillion tax plan would give the richest one percent of Americans an average tax cut of $126,450, which would be over 100 times as large as the average tax cut of $1,220 that the middle fifth of Americans would receive.

■ Former Senator Rick Santorum’s $9.4 trillion tax plan would give the richest one percent of Americans an average tax cut of $217,500, which would be over 100 times as large as the average tax cut of $2,160 that the middle fifth of Americans would receive.

Read the report.

The Tax Policy Center

Citizens for Tax Justice

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