Saturday, May 7, 2011

A letter from Nancy Pelosi about the Republican War on Women

Your actions today can make a difference for many of the women in your life -- whether it is for a friend, your sister, your wife, your daughter, or yourself -- all I ask is that you act.

This week, Republicans voted unanimously on an extremist anti-choice bill that would deny millions of women access to reproductive health care. For the first time ever, restrictions would be placed on how women with private insurance choose to spend their private dollars on health insurance. Even victims of sexual assault could be forced to recount their attack to an IRS auditor.

We cannot sit silent in the face of this extremist agenda.

My strategists tell me that we are $53,241 short of our new goal of $200,000 for our Rapid Response campaign to hold House Republicans accountable for their divisive and radical agenda.

Contribute $20 or more right now so we can get hard-hitting Rapid Response ads up holding Republican extremists in Congress accountable for their radical assault on women’s health care and reproductive freedom.

House Republicans should be working to help put Americans back to work, not waging an outrageous war against millions of women and their private health decisions.

Let us never allow the health of American women to come under attack. Let us stand together to expand care, not limit it.

Nancy Pelosi
Democratic Leader

Money is tight everywhere here is a Link to a petition by and Emily's List against the Republican War on Women's reproductive rights

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